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15. Walk to the Mall

14. Aftermath

13. Interrupted

12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: Clearing up doubts

avatar on 2018-02-22 18:14:32

1325 hits, 49 views, 1 upvotes.

Age Animal Aware Body Swap MTF Magic Super Unaware

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Jennifer and Karyn were walking towards the mall. Both of them used some time to take a shower in their homes and put on a fresh change of clothes. The two girls were walking in comfortable silence while holding their hands. Both just appreciated each other's company while slowly walking towards their destination. Neither felt like talking about anything in particular and after the whole food fight in school they felt that just being close together like this was worth more than a thousand words. Jennifer appreciated the silence and was walking alongside her girlfriend quietly, deep in various thoughts that were bothering her since the shower she had earlier.

Thoughts about her new life.

It had been barely half a day since Jennifer started this new life of hers and already she honestly felt that she would not give it up for anything. She was close to her parents and siblings, had lovely girlfriend, had a group of good friends, was more confident in herself - really, her life was great. Amazing, even. She could hardly believe that just because she was a girl now her life could change so much. Though she wondered about what influenced the changes in her life more - the fact that she was a girl, or her own subconscious desires during ritual? Combination of both was most likely answer, though it is not like it mattered how did it happen. She should be just happy with what she had, honestly.

So why did it feel like she was a cheater?

Jennifer glanced briefly at Karyn and then continued thinking. She knew why. It was because of Karyn. Jennifer had this bit of guilt about being girlfriends with her which she could not shake off. She loved Karyn. She truly did. But did Karyn really love her? She likely was always lesbian. If Jennifer was really born as a girl and there was no magic involved - would Karyn have fallen in love with her? Or were her own subconscious desires at fault? Did Karyn love her in this reality because Jennifer always liked Karyn more than friend? Would the Karyn before the ritual hate her if she knew she would be forced to love Jennifer?

She had no answers to any of these questions. They plagued her right now, increasing the guilt she was feeling. Was it right for her to keep silent and just enjoy this? Could she live with herself, thinking all of this was a lie created by magic? She felt she knew the answer to both of those questions.


So, what she should do about it, then?

The answer was simple - tell Karyn the truth. Make her understand everything that happened. And then face the judgement. As much as Jennifer liked this life, Karyn deserved the truth. And she herself deserved whatever she would get for messing with powers beyond her understanding. Because when it all came down to it - it was Jennifer's own wish that landed her into this situation. And she had no-one else to blame but herself.

Jennifer looked around briefly. They were currently at small park not far from mall. There were no people around and there were some benches to sit on nearby. It was as good a place as any to have a conversation. As such she paused in her step and said softly "Karyn."

Karyn stopped herself and turned towards her girlfriend. She could see a serious look on her face and could feel an unsettling bad feeling in the pit of her stomach as she heard the next words.

"We need to talk."

A minute later the two were sitting on the bench. Karyn looked at Jennifer with some concern, wondering what this all was about. To be honest, Karyn has been wondering a bit what was with her girlfriend whole day. There was no single thing that she could point into to say that something definitely was wrong, but there were a lot of little things that made Karyn think that something was off.

Like the kiss in the morning.

Karyn could swear that she saw a look of surprise flash on Jennifer's face just before the kiss. Which was weird, because Karyn was sure to greet Jennifer like that every morning. That was why she would leave earlier and wait for her to exit house. Both of them loved those kisses. They were part of their routine since the two became girlfriends and they already have been a couple for almost a year now.

Then there were those strange questions as they walked to school. Or the look of puzzlement when Lucy and Claire greeted them in class. Or that look on her face when she met Allison, even though the girl has been pestering them to join the club well before spring break.

All those things told Karyn that something was definitely wrong.

But then there was the cafeteria fight.

As Karyn watched Jennifer to walk towards Sarah with the glass of juice in hand Karyn saw her real girlfriend. The sexy, smart, strong woman that she fell in love with. Her girlfriend was there. Every action that followed proved it without a shadow of the doubt.

And now that they met up and walked towards mall Jennifer was different again.

Karyn has been thinking about all small inconsistencies during whole walk, trying to come up with theories. She did not think it was something as stupid as dual personality or something like that. She did not think Jennifer was cheating on her either. But something was just different. Karyn just could not figure out what. She had ran through multiple ideas inside her head, but she could not come up with anything that would explain this. The only plausible idea was magic - because Karyn knew it existed and she have left Helia and Jennifer alone to do their apprenticeship ritual. Either something went wrong during it or the witch messed with her girlfriend's head. Both were plausible, but then again - something else could be wrong. Maybe Jennifer was still depressed about her grandfather's death? They were pretty close. Karyn just could not know for sure. And she did not want to push her girlfriend until she was ready.

As such she stayed silent during their walk, letting Jennifer to gather her thoughts. The girlfriend she knew was kind and honest to her. Always. So Karyn knew for sure that sooner or later Jennifer will share what was wrong.

Now seemed like that moment came.

Jennifer seemed to have finished gathering her thoughts and started talking. "Okay... So, you know how Helia took me in as apprentice?" She started.

Karyn nodded. "So it has something to do with the witch after all." She thought to herself.

Jennifer continued "So, there was this whole ritual involved that... changed things." She paused a bit. "Before the ritual the things were different. Not super different, but really different still." She sighed. "This is so confusing, I don't know how to explain it." She paused again.

Karyn just gave her all the time she needed.

After a minute Jennifer started to talk again. "Okay, so - before the ritual reality was different. Let's call it reality A. After the ritual, the reality changed into reality B. Both realities are really similar to each other with only a few large differences and probably many smaller ones. Because I am originally from reality A, I only remember that reality. At least for now. Helia said that eventually I will get all memories from reality B and reality A would seem like a dream for me." She explained.

Karyn mulled it over for a bit. "That would explain all inconsistencies. She is kinda a different person. Another reality, huh? But differences can't be too huge... Oh. We probably were not girlfriends in her old reality. That would explain a lot of her reactions. Though it seems that she loves me regardless. So was she not my girlfriend in old reality because I was not interested? Did I have someone else? Or was something else different?" She paused her thinking for now and decided to speak. "That was why you acted so weird in the morning." At Jennifer's nod Karyn continued. "We were not girlfriends in that reality, were we?" She asked and saw a flash of guilt on Jennifer's face. "So I was right..."

Jennifer looked sad and guilty "Yes, we were not..."

Karyn looked at the sad girl and just asked the only important question that was in her mind. "Do you love me?"

Jennifer looked at Karyn's eyes. "With all my heart."

Karyn carefully studied the girl she grew up with and fell in love with. She could always read her well and now was not an exception. There was no hesitation in her words. No lies, no deception. Just honest, pure love. Seeing that Karyn smiled "Then I don't care about anything else. You could be alien from another planet for all I cared, but you are still the girl I fell in love with. And as long as we love each other nothing else matters." She said honestly.

Jennifer blinked "But, but, but... it is because of magic that we are... girlfriends... and I... and we were not... and...and I was..."

Karyn blinked a bit, trying to figure out what Jennifer was saying and then coming with realization. "Ah. Since I did not like her in another reality for whatever reason, she thinks that I love her here just because of magic..." Karyn mused a bit if that could be true, but decided that she did not care. Even if it was, her love felt real to her. That was enough for her. It was so like Jennifer to overthink such things, though.

At that thought she smiled and gently cupped Jennifer's face. "Look at me, Jennifer." She gently asked, smiling as their eyes met. "I love you. I don't know why the other me in that reality was a fool and did not take you as girlfriend and I don't particularly care. Her loss is my gain, as far as I am concerned. You are beautiful, smart, kind, funny, honest and simply an amazing girl. Any girl or guy would be lucky to have you. But you are mine. If it is because of magic, so be it. If it is because of some twist of fate - so be it. It does not matter why, it does not matter how. That matters is that I love you with all my heart and want to spend my whole life by your side."

Jennifer gave Karyn a teary smile "I love you too." She said.

Karyn then leaned forward and kissed the girl deeply. They have kissed a few times today, but this time it was different. Better. Karyn could no longer feel as if something was off or odd. Jennifer was fully into it. She no longer hesitated, no longer doubted - her tongue deepened the kiss almost instantly and the sheer passion and feelings associated with a kiss made Karyn feel weak in the knees. The rest of the world no longer mattered - the only thing that mattered was the girl in her arms. She could feel Jennifer's arms embracing her, pulling her closer towards her. Karyn's own arms did the same, landing on her girlfriend's hips and pulling her into her lap. The two continued to make up and the time lost it's meaning. As far was they were concerned there was no time. No world. Just the embrace of each other. Just their bond.

Their love.

The couple did not really know how long their kiss lasted, but the need to breath prevailed over the teenage hormones. Reluctantly, the two separated and looked at each other's eyes for a bit.

Jennifer licked her lips, as if savoring the taste of the kiss "That was..."

"Mind-blowing?" Karyn finished with a smirk and Jennifer giggled.

"Yeah." She said with a smile and shifted a little so the two would be snuggling.

Karyn started to gently stroke Jennifer's hair, smiling. "So, feeling better now?"

Jennifer hummed "Yeah. Think so. I still have not told you everything, but... I don't feel guilty anymore. I love you and I would not give this up for anything." She said. "I am glad I shared this with you."

Karyn smiled and kissed the top of Jennifer's head "I am glad too." She said. She stayed silent for a few moments, then deciding to ask what has been bothering her a little. "So, why we were not a couple in the other reality?" She finally asked.

Jennifer bit her lip, feeling bit nervous, but answered anyways. "Well, it has to do with whole reason Helia had to do ritual in the first place... There are only female witches, you see..." she paused and then just kept explaining "And, unfortunately... I was... a guy... in another reality. So, to learn magic... I had to become a girl..." She said "Not that the magic studies were the deciding factor... In the end it was you who errr... Talked me into becoming girl... Even if you did not know I was deciding that..." she struggled a bit to speak. "We were still the best friends in that reality, but I guess you err... did not swing that way. I always liked you as more than friend, though... And your advice let me believe that no matter what we would still at least be friends. Your words gave me courage to take leap of fate... So I agreed to ritual and became a girl." She finished nervously.

Karyn blinked a bit and looked at Jennifer, studying her face. "You are not joking, are you?" At Jennifer's head shake she hummed. "Well, I suppose if I could ever meet that other me, I would thank her for sending to me a love of my life." She simply said and kissed Jennifer's forehead.

Jennifer blinked "That is it? You are not grossed out or anything?"

Karyn giggled "Well, no offence to you, Jen, but you are not acting like a guy. At all. I just can't see it. If anything - I am the guy in the relationship." She smirked.

Jennifer blinked "I don't know if to be offended or just kiss you on the lips and roll with it." She thought for a bit "Ah, hell with it - I can't imagine myself being as guy anymore either. The thought actually feels bit gross."

Karyn grinned at her "Does it mean I get a kiss?"

Jennifer smiled slyly "Well, since you asked so nicely..." She shifted so they would be face to face and kissed Karyn on the lips.

After another make-out session they separated again and Karyn grinned "Yep, you are definitely not a guy."

Jennifer giggled "You know - I think I can live with that."

Karyn giggled "Good. Does that mean I will see you wearing skirts more often?"

Jennifer giggled "Maaaaybe~" She teased.

Karyn giggled "Looking forward to it." She said and then thought for a bit. "So, anything else to share or should we go meet Helia?"

Jennifer thought for a bit and looked around. There were still no people nearby, thankfully. She then looked at Karyn's eyes.

"Well, there is one other thing..."

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