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16. Revealing the stone

15. Walk to the Mall

14. Aftermath

13. Interrupted

12. Lunch

11. School

10. Going to School

9. New day - new life

8. "I accept your offer."

7. Contemplating Decision

6. Tea with Witch

5. Magic teacher: Witch

4. Becoming apprentice

3. Magic

2. Thinking things over

1. You Are What You Wish

Witch's apprentice: The Wishing Stone

avatar on 2018-02-23 08:31:51
Episode last modified by Austea on 2018-02-23 15:22:52

1357 hits, 53 views, 1 upvotes.

Anthro Aware FTM Herm MTF Magic NBM Omni Super TF

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Karyn was looking at Jennifer expectantly "What kind of thing?... Oh, please tell me you are not part male still." She said with grimace.

Jennifer looked mortified. "What?! No! Yuck. I am all girl! Really." She assured Karyn.

Karyn let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Thank god! I would not have survived the crowd of girls wanting to get a piece of your man meat." She said with a grin.

Jennifer scrunched her nose cutely in distaste. "Ewww." She then punched Karyn lightly on the shoulder "You said that on purpose! You meanie." She pouted.

Karyn giggled at Jennifer's pout "Sorry, but your mortified reaction was funny." She gently kissed her on forehead "Forgive me?"

Jennifer struggled to keep the pout on her face, but gave up soon. "I can't stay mad at you." She gently kissed Karyn on lips and then pulled away, shifting a bit and resting her head on Karyn's shoulder.

Karyn grinned "Yep - total girl."

Jennifer rolled her eyes "Oh, shush. Do you want to hear the story or not?"

Karyn giggled "Okay, okay. So - what were you going to tell me about?"

Jennifer got comfortable next to Karyn and started. "Well, remember I told you, Lucy and Claire today that my grandpa died? Well - he was dead in the other reality too." She started slowly. She still felt sad from memories she got about the funeral today.

Karyn just stayed silent. "So she had to go through losing her grandfather twice. Poor Jen." She wrapped her girlfriend in a hug and just stayed silent.

Jennifer looked thankful. "Then my grandpa died in the other reality I received inheritance from him. Something really amazing. Something magical." She paused and after confirming that they are alone said quietly. "A wishing stone."

Karyn blinked a bit "That is one hell of inheritance. So, is it like genie lamp? Three wishes and you are done?"

Jennifer shook her head "It actually has no limit to amount of wishes it can grant. There is some kind of limitation in it's range, but I am not sure how large. Grandpa believed that it is at least several miles. You just make a wish and the stone will make it so what you wished for would have always been that way and only those who heard the wish would know that things are different. The scary part about it is that you can't undo wishes."

Karyn hummed and thought it over. "Something like that could result in a lot of bad things in wrong hands." "So if I wished that all girls wore very sexy clothes, reality in stone's range would change so it would always be completely normal?" She asked and Jennifer giggled.

"Yeah." She confirmed.

Karyn thought about it. "That does sound scary. Have you used it?"

Jennifer nodded "First time I got it I used it in my room to change colors of my notebooks. Then the spring break was over in old reality I brought the stone with me and showed it to you." She chuckled "You actually accidentally made a wish you did not mean to make."

Karyn blinked "Really? What did I wish for?"

Jennifer grinned "Well, you saw Sarah McMillan walk by and wished to have 'blonde hair and big boobs so you would get some attention too'."

Karyn blinked "Really?"

Jennifer grinned "Really.

Karyn shook her head "Can't believe the other me in that reality would have been so silly. Though..." She looked at Jennifer with a grin "If you prefer big boobs I am up to make some adjustments for you. If you allow me to make similar adjustments on you." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Jennifer rolled her eyes with a smile "Pervert." Though she did look at Karyn's chest for a bit.

Karyn grinned "The way you look at my chest suggests you are one too, Jen." She chuckled "Anyways, it is food for thought for later. So, I will guess since we are talking about this you got the stone in this reality too?"

Jennifer frowned "I actually don't know what I got from grandpa in this reality. I still do have a stone because of a few wishes I made to protect it, though."

Karyn grinned "Smart girl." She said. "So, what else you wished for?"

Jennifer sighed "The only other major thing I wished for was to have a magic teacher that would teach me magic. And well - you now know how it turned out." She paused "I actually thought about wishing so you would have magic potential too. Would be cool to learn it together." She suggested.

Karyn hummed "That would be kinda cool. Helia probably would love to have another apprentice." She paused "Does Helia know about the stone?"

Jennifer sighed "No. At least I don't think so? She can use magic so I can't know for sure. I have no true idea what she is capable off."

Karyn nodded. "You are going to tell her about it?"

Jennifer thought about it. "I don't know. Do you think I should?"

Karyn thought it over "Only if you feel you can trust her."

Jennifer bit her lip a bit "I feel that I can."

Karyn kissed her head gently "Well, there you have your answer." She simply said.

Jennifer smiled and looked at Karyn. "I love you."

Karyn smiled "I love you too."

The two girls then shared another long kiss on the park's bench. Once they ended the kiss Jennifer smiled "We probably should get going." She said and with some reluctance left Karyn's embrace.

Karyn stood up and smiled "Right, we should be." She offered Jennifer her hand with a small bow "My lady." She said with a smirk.

Jennifer giggled a bit "My, such a charming knight." She joked, but gladly took the offered hand.

With smiles on their faces the couple continued onto their destination, their worries and doubts forgotten on the now empty park bench in the park. Their bond was now stronger than ever.

As Jennifer and Karyn walked towards 'Spellbound Oddities' they spent time chatting quietly to themselves. Jennifer was telling Karyn some more about changes between the two realities. Karyn herself just listened in attention, asking a question now and again. To Karyn it was fascinating to hear all about different changes and she could also tell that Jennifer needed to talk to someone about this. Karyn hoped that after Jennifer let it all out she would adjust to her new life more quickly, which seemed to be working as far as she could tell. Jennifer seemed much more happy and was almost skipping around as they walked, still holding hands. Karyn decided then and there that she will do anything she could do to help Jennifer adjust faster.

Meanwhile Jennifer continued to chat quietly. "Zoe was actually a goth there, could you believe it? She was so angry and dark all the time and wore all black. I might not be the expert in fashion like Lucy is, but even I know that wearing all black can't be good for your mood. I am happy here Zoe is more girly. And then she started to clap after I spilled juice on Sarah? It was sooo sweet. I wanted to rush and hug her so much." She giggled.

Karyn grinned "Yeah, Zoe perfectly timed that. Can't believe she was goth, though. Not sure if I can see it. Though, guess here she wants to be more like her big sister. It is actually quite adorable."

Jennifer nodded in agreement "It is, isn't it?" She smiled "Anyways, I don't think there are any more major changes I forgot to mention. Though it only has been half a day so far." She shook her head a bit "Which is still a little unbelievable to me. I am feeling more and more that the life I had before this was a dream. I am starting to remember some more things about this one too. Just bits and pieces so far, though."

Karyn hummed "Well, it is supposed to happen this way, right? I think you should just roll with it. You are happy, right?"

Jennifer nodded "I am."

Karyn smiled "Then just allow yourself to be happy and don't overthink stuff about your old life. Enjoy this one to the fullest."

Jennifer smiled "You are right. I should enjoy it. After all - I have the best girlfriend in the world." She said and kissed Karyn's cheek.

Karyn grinned "That's the spirit." She gave Jennifer a peck on a cheek as well.

Finally both girls reached the end of the mall and already could see the sign proclaiming 'Spellbound Oddities'. Without any hesitation the couple walked inside.

Inside of the shop seemed to look the same as last time Jennifer saw it. Though technically it has only been a day, to her it felt like a whole lifetime passed since she last stepped inside here. Though all things considered - it might as well have.

Jennifer took few moments to examine various goods around the shop once more. She really wanted to poke and prod everything. She also wondered if any of these were magical - considering that Helia was a witch the things here could be magical. Though likely not - she doubted Helia would sell magical things to normal humans. Then again - the shop was not easy to find, maybe it was here to sell to other magic users? Jennifer decided she will ask about that later.

Once she and Karyn stepped in it was moments later that the shop's owner herself stepped from behind the curtain next to the shops counter, smiling brightly. She was still dressed in same dark dress Jennifer saw her wearing last time.

"Jennifer, Karyn - I am so glad to see you both." Helia greeted with a smile. "Feel free to look around, I will start preparing some tea. Jennifer, be a dear and flip open sign over behind the door, okay?" She asked.

Jennifer smiled "It is nice to see you again too, Helia." She then moved to do as asked, opening the door, flipping sign to 'Closed' and then closing door behind her.

Karyn greeted the woman as well "Nice to see you again, Helia. And I will be sure to look around. Might even buy something."

Helia giggled "Feel free to, Karyn. Let me know if anything catches your attention. I will be right back." She said and disappeared behind the counter.

The two girls spent some time looking around. Karyn was examining many different things, humming in thought "Dunno what should I actually get. Some of these may look good in my room, some are just ewww." She said. "Think any of these are magical?" She asked her girlfriend.

Jennifer shrugged "I was wondering the same myself. I can't really tell. They could be. It is probably wise to be bit cautious and not poke anything." She said as the two continued to walk around the rather large shop. "You know, this shop feels like it is larger than it should be." She said to Karyn.

Karyn nodded "It does. It probably is. You remember how that curtain led to two different rooms, right? Could be that entrance to shop teleports us somewhere. It does not seem possible for shop to be at location it is in mall."

Jennifer hummed "You are probably right." She grinned "Magic, huh? Wonder what else is possible?"

Karyn grinned "Well, you will soon probably find out. Miss apprentice witch~" She winked.

Jennifer giggled "I still want you to learn with me."

Karyn shrugged "We will think about it. So, you are going to tell her?"

Jennifer nodded.

At that moment Helia walked out from behind the curtain and rejoined the two girls "Tea is ready. Please, follow me." She said and both girls followed after the witch.

They were led behind the curtain into same room Jennifer could remember drinking tea with Helia in her past life. On same antique table was ceramic tea set with three cups and surrounding the table were three comfortable looking chairs. There was small table next to the wall with a vase full of roses and a few large bookshelves and a few paintings along the walls. Jennifer and Karyn took their seats and their hostess filled their cups, taking her seat as well.

Helia smiled at the two girls for a bit and looked at Jennifer "Nice to see you are doing fine after ritual, Jennifer. Are you adjusting well? The feeling of an oath might be bit scary first time you do it."

Jennifer smiled. "I am doing well. More than that - I am really happy. My life is so much better after ritual. And I already shared with Karyn that I am from different reality, so you can speak freely, Helia." She said and took a sip of her tea. It tasted great.

Karyn smiled "Yeah, she did. I was bit surprised, am still not sure information completely settled into me, but think I will be fine. Jennifer still is a girl I love and she loves me too. That is enough for me." She said and took Jennifer's hand, smiling to her girlfriend. Jennifer smiled back.

Helia smiled "I see. I am happy for you both. I was actually going to suggest to you, Jennifer, to tell someone you trust about your old life. I am proud you did it yourself. It might be hard to adjust after such huge shift, so I am glad you have someone to share this with." She looked at Karyn "She is lucky to have such a caring person as you."

Karyn smiled "No, I am the one who is lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend."

Jennifer slightly blushed.

Helia grinned "Well, I am glad I will not have to dance around the subject then you two are together." She looked at Jennifer "You turned out to be a really beautiful girl. Does the thought of it make you uncomfortable now that you had some time to live your new life?"

Jennifer blushed at the compliment "No. Not anymore. I actually can hardly imagine myself as a guy anymore. Is that normal?"

Helia nodded "Yes. It means ritual worked as intended. It will not take too long for you to adjust completely."

"I see. I am glad." She smiled and then bit her lip "There is something I want to tell you about, Helia."

Helia raised her eyebrow "Yes?"

Jennifer was not sure how to start. She then felt Karyn gently squeezing her hand in a show of support and looked towards her girlfriend. The look of unconditional support and love from Karyn's eyes allowed Jennifer to gather her strength. Jennifer gave Karyn a grateful smile and looked towards Helia. "It is about how I became your apprentice." She started. "You see, my grandpa left me this stone that..." before she could finish Helia interrupted her.

"I know."

Jennifer froze in the middle of her speech "You... do?" She asked, not really believing it. Karyn looked rather surprised too.

Helia smiled "I knew from the very moment you made the wish to, and I quote: 'meet a powerful magic user who would decide to take me in as apprentice and would teach me magic'." She said, perfectly quoting Jennifer's wish.

Jennifer still looked in disbelief "But... how? Why? Why did you took me in, if you knew?..."

Helia hummed "I suppose I should start at the beginning." She said. "At the moment your wish was made, anyone in the range who met requirements could have been selected to be your teacher. If no-one would have been available stone would have shifted reality in such a way that someone would be there to be your teacher. Town's history could have shifted so it would have magical roots and there would be magic users in town. Some kind of person with knowledge of magic could have been created out of thin air. Someone completely ordinary could suddenly have awoken with magical knowledge and power. A catacomb with ancient lich mage could have appeared below town. Possibilities were endless." She paused "But there were already magic users in town. I told you that I moved here because I divined that I would meet someone who could be my apprentice in this town, right?" At Jennifer's nod she continued "That was true. So the moment I felt that wish being made, I made split second decision to accept the role. Then you reach a level of magic knowledge and power I possess influencing such magic is not that hard. So I was the one selected by wishing stone to be your teacher." She smiled "It worked out perfectly in the end, I would say. Though I did decide that I would test you to see if you were worthy."

Jennifer rook some time to think about what she just heard. "So... our whole meeting and everything that followed was a test?"

Helia hummed "Well, not everything, but a lot of it was a test to see if you have qualities I was seeking in apprentice. You honestly surpassed my expectations, Jennifer." She smiled "And the bit about turning you into girl was all true too. I am glad you had courage to accept the change."

Karyn decided to step into conversation "What would you have done if she did not pass your tests? Wish still would have forced you to take her as apprentice, no?"

Helia nodded "That is true. But she never specified how long I would have to teach her in the wish. Or how much I would need to teach her. I could have taken her in as apprentice for a day without the oath and taught her a single spell and vanished next night." She smiled "But your girlfriend surpassed my expectations. As such I will be honored to teach her everything I know."

Karyn smiled "Yeah, she is pretty amazing, isn't she?"

Helia giggled "Indeed."

Jennifer chose that moment to snap out of her disbelief and looked at Helia. "Okay, so you knew this whole time - what about the stone? It is powerful magic artefact, is it not? Don't you want it for yourself or something? It probably is safer in your hands than in some teenager's."

Helia sighed "Ah yes, the stone itself." She paused. "I am old, Jennifer. I am powerful. Then you reach the level in magic that I did you can resist the effects of artefacts like the stone. To some extent. I would know what changes were made with stone as if I heard the wish, for example. As long as I was in range, anyways. But the artefact of that kind of magical power is a... dangerous temptation the likes of which you can't imagine to people like me." She took in deep breath. "A source of that magnitude of magical power at the hands of someone really powerful could have disastrous effects. It would be like siren's song. It would tempt, corrupt - make me want to use it's power to do drastic changes the likes you can't imagine. I am not sure if I would have a will to resist." She paused "So to be honest - it is much safer in your hands."

Jennifer was shocked to hear something like that. She was glad that the stone itself was safe in her pocket dimension right now.

Karyn was shocked herself, but not as much as she came to her own conclusion "So it is like the equivalent of The One Ring in 'Lord of the Rings' to you." She came up with comparison.

Helia giggled "That is a rather good example, yes."

Jennifer had a question "So, should I not use it at all then? If I am going to learn magic would it not tempt me like that as well?"

Helia hummed "I don't know. Not many artefacts like this actually exist anymore. I have not personally seen it, so it might not have the effect I describe. I would rather not risk it, though. I am also not sure about the origins of the artefact you have. I would say to be careful with it. Never use it alone and use it in moderation. Then you start learning to sense magic I would suggest to carefully meditate while focusing on it. Preferably with your girlfriend nearby."

Jennifer nodded her understanding "I understand. Actually, there was one thing I wanted to use it for. I want Karyn to learn magic together with me, so I thought about wishing for Karyn to have magical potential." She looked at her girlfriend with a smile.

Helia frowned thoughtfully "It could be done... but the wish could have consequences we can't predict. It is really rare for humans to have magical potential without someone else in their family line being powerful magic user. We don't want to create some kind of evil sorceress in Karyn's family line." She said. "Besides, there is another way for Karyn to learn magic with you." She said with a smile and then leaned forward.

"I have an interesting offer for you two." Helia said with mysterious smile.

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