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11. Home

10. Playing dress-up

9. Self re-discovery

8. The Procedure

7. Jon's sex change III

6. Sex Change Operation

5. Jon wins a contest

4. At The Mall

3. Mall

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish


avatar on 2018-07-02 16:41:29

2268 hits, 168 views, 3 upvotes.

Body Swap FTM FTP Herm MC MTF Magic Musc Part Theft

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It was too late now, he was standing in a small reception type room, with just a desk and a glass door that led to the mall parking lot.
Sitting at the desk was a young man. "Right this way please Jon" he smiled, guiding Jon towards the door.
"Uh, could I just " started Jon, but getting interrupted by the young man.
"I'm sorry but we're very busy today, so you can't go back in." he said, motioning Jon toward the exit.
"What about my things?"
"Oh, we'll send them to your home at the end of the 7 day trial period." he smiled, not letting Jon question him, he nudged him through the door, "Thank you for visiting us today".

Jon quickly span around to question the man, but he had already gone back inside, the doors closed shut.

Shit thought Jon, Gonna need to get home without anyone seeing me, and with that, he began sprinting down the road in the direction of his house.

Half way back, he'd managed to avoid everyone at the mall, though struggling to keep his hair out of his face, he noticed he'd jogged a lot further than he expected, normally he'd be out of breath having run this far, but his new athletic build was keeping his stamina up, he felt he could easily jog all the way home.

Arriving home, he wasn't even out of breath or even breaking a sweat, "Wow, can't believe I ran that far" Jon mused to himself, reaching a hand into his pocket.
"SHIT!" he cursed, "my keys were in the box.". Jon tried the front door, but the handle wouldn't budge. "Crap, locked" he muttered to himself, rounding the corner of the house, he climbed up over the fence into the back yard.
Trying the back door also proved fruitless, "Guess I'm climbing in through my window..." he sighed, looking up to his window above the garage.
Luckily he'd done this a thousand times before, sneaking out to meet friends when he should have been doing homework. The framework for his mothers flowers provided the perfect ladder to climb to the garage roof, then from there in through his bedroom window.

In a matter of seconds, Jon was up on the roof and stumbling in through his window. Jon punched the air with glee, "Success!".

Flicking his trainers off, he remembered why he'd rushed back. Looking at the jeggings that hugged his legs.
"Let's go exploring" he grinned, taking his socks and shirt off, then walking to the mirror he had in the corner of his room.

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