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26. A Relationship Blossoms

25. The Date

24. It's a Yes

23. Jon tris his Luck

22. Jon is defiant

21. Jon reluctantly agrees

20. The next morning

19. Things get even worse for Jon

18. Things have changed at home

17. Jon gains a new habit

16. More slow changes

15. looking at his future

14. Further Changes

13. Heading Out

12. Mom wants to see how this turn

11. Breakfast time

10. In the morning...

9. Changes Continued...

8. More slow changes (correct bra

7. Mom finds the stone

A Relationship Blossoms

on 2016-10-14 17:23:17

2128 hits, 141 views, 1 upvotes.

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"Bye Susan" Jon called as he left the staff room of the Milton Hotel.

"Bye Sandra, have a good night"

Jon intended to. It had been four weeks since his first date with Marie, the beautiful brunette in her twenties. The four inch heels of his navy suede pumps clicked on the hard concrete floor of the parking lot. A slight chill in the air made him glad him his new uniform required him to wear tights, which still felt so strange cleaning to his shapely legs.. Reaching his car, he opened the door and got in, his smart navy pencil skirt that stretch over his slightly generous behind restricted his movement, so he had to perch on the edge of the seat and swing his legs in. Not for the first time, he wished he could wear trousers, but the hotels dress code for female employees was strict on that issue, as was the white blouse he wore that showed off his cleavage a bit to much for his liking, onto which the name based 'Sandra " was pinned.

Jon blushed at the though of himself as a female now, but there was no escaping that. Nor was there any escaping seeing a face identifical to his moms reflected back in the rear view mirror as he pulled away or the urge to light a cigarette, which he did quickly, wincing as always at the horrible taste of the addiction his moms wish had saddled him with. He opened the window to let the smoke out and wished for the thousandth time he could go back and chnage things.

Still, at least there was Marie. Since the first date, their relationship had blossomed much to jons surprise. They had gone on several lunch and dinner dates. The only cloud being Sherry, who was still not content with Jon being identical to her, but also wanted her to live an identical life. Fearful of how she would react, Jon had to keep his dates with Marie secret. This made things quite difficult. No longer her teenage son, Jon could not just tell her he was going out with Friends. As far as Sherry was concerned, she was Jon's only friend following the wish. Thats why getting the receptionists job at the hotel was a blessed relief. It was shift work, which meant he always had an excuse to be away from the house for hours. TRue he found it kind of menial and certainly not the career he had pictured for himself. But then again he never pictured himself as his moms 44 year old identical twin. Tonight was a big night. Tonight Marie had suggested he stayed over.

An hour later and he was at Marie's small one bedroom apartment, eating the dinner she had prepared. The lights were low and they were sharing a glass of wine.

"So what did you tell your sister?" Marie asked i her melodic voice, looking radiant in a tight white dress and matching heels. Not having brought anything else to change into, Jon felt underdressed .

"That I was working a double shift and going to stay in one of the staff crash beds" he replied.

"Oh so thats what you call me!" She joked, and gently ran one of he white platform heels up Jon's stocking legs. Jon felt his crotch go hot and wet.

"We're going to have to starting tellling people soon you know" Marie said.

"I know" jon sighed "but not yet....give me time to figure out how"

"You think Sherry would mind you dating a woman that much?"

"Well how do you think your family and friends would take it?" Jon asked.

Marie took a big gulp of wine and laughed "God knows! I mean it'll be a bid surprise you female let alone that your so..."she blushed and trailed off.

"Old?" Jon finished the sentence. It was ironic that in JOns mind he was still a 18 year old guy and Marie was a little to old for him, but in reality he was now a woman old enough to be her mother.

"Sorry...I didn't mean it to come out like that baby" she smiled and squeezed he's hand.

After dinner Jon walked out onto the balcony with his cigarettes, He hated smoking around Marie, but had no choice as he always had one after dinner. Marie came out after him and put her arms around his waist before he could light up. On her sexy platform heels she stood a little bit taller than Jon in his own pumps. It was tough getting used to how short he was now.

"Do you think I could try one of those?" She asked.

"No way!" He replied "its bad enough I'm stuck with this horrible habit, you have a young and fit, believe me you don't want to start smoking"

Marie smiled at him and then gave him a long kiss. "Well when your finished, this young fit body will be in the bedroom....waiting"

Jon smiled as she left, anxious to join her.

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