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22. Whishing stone

21. It continuses

20. Canadians are Weird....

19. Wet

18. How could you Jon?

17. Kyran finds the rock

16. Maid to help

15. It can't be done

14. Alone

13. Suction

12. The Joy of Cola


10. Further problems....

9. Boys Don't Cry....

8. Jon decides to go home...

7. Tarting things up

6. Cosmetic changes

5. An opportunity to experiment?

4. Out to town

3. A new way to control the rock

Whishing stone

on 2001-07-29 06:47:24

888 hits, 64 views, 0 upvotes.

MC Part Swap TF Unaware

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"Wait till I tell Jon about what happened he'll shit him self, there is know way he will believe me." Kevin snickered as his mind wandered back to the Burger King they had jut left.

Kicking a rocks as they headed back to the hotel with the previsions "Man I bet he won't either, that was defiantly to bizarre to believe." Just as the couple reached the drive of the hotel a small army of fire trucks, ambulances and an escort of police cruisers whipped past them, sirens blazing.

Wander what that is all about? Megan squinted to see where they were headed, "Looks like their pulling into that Burger King we just left."

Yeah I bet they called the cops on that weirdo with the nice tits and the big nipples. Jon smiled

"You really like tits like that?" Megan giving Kevin a charleyhorse

Ouch" Kevin rubbed his arm " Well I mean they were kind of a freaky but still sexy at the same time, like something that's bizarre but neat at the same time."

Megan with a look of disgust "Well you defiantly are a MAN."

"What dose that mean?" Jon sounding a bit offended

"Well " Megan pushing the elevator button "It Just goes to show that it doesn't mater what it is If it has Tits a guy will like it." "I swear that was digusting and you liked it, if I ever had the opportunity I would strap your ass wit ha pair of tits like that and see how you like it."

"Jon comically fell out of the elevator when opened "Daaaa that's not fair!" Laying on the ground wit ha cold shiver. "My big fat Uncle Tom has tits like that and just thinking of that hurts my brain!"

Half helping him up and half trying not to fall over from the laughter Megan replied" Well maybe not everything but I meant what I said mister" pointing a finger.

"Yeah yeah I'm sooo scared, any way your princes we have arrived" Kevin bowed opening the door to the hotel room door.

"Hey Guys bout time I'm starving!" Kyran smiled siting on the bed innocently drying her hair with a towel.

"Here you go" Megan handed her a burger and fries "Where's Jon at?"

"O he went for a walk" Kyran asked biting into her whooper "What was that all about?"

"Well we were just disguising how Kevin here would screw anything with tits and how I would If I had my way I would give I'm a pair and see how long he would like having a pair."

"O really?" Kyran smiled placing her hand over her pocket with the rock in side. "Well I will have too keep that in mind she smiled looking at Kevin

"Hey hey hey now" Kevin holding his hand up "Don't persecute me I can't help it after what just happened"

"What happened?" Kyran inquired

Well after an very detailed story from Megan, and what was almost an interpretive dance from Kevin re-in-acting the events that so excited him.

Kryan was in shock because she didn't really half expect that Jon would be running around half naked, and also because his own friends didn't recognize him. "That little pervert!"

"Yeah I don't think she was quit normal, no respectable girl would do that" Megan mumbled finishing off her burger

"What?.."Kyran still thinking of Jon on as male "O yeah the girl at Burger King"

"Dang Kyran your certainly are acting blond today" Kevin chuckled

"Squeezing the rock in her pocket, what you got something against blondes?" she smile looking at Kevin ..

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