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Shakin' It
On Stage
RJH16Age Body Swap FTP Herm MC MTF Part Theft Size
There are some perks
Taking to the Stage
RJH15Aware FTP Herm MC MTF NBM Omni Size
A few added features
you arent meant to fight them
Happi17Age Inanimate MTF Musc SciFi TF
... unless you're a Dream Girl
A hug is just a hug...
griever16Age Body Swap MC Magic Musc Part Theft
The Touch
...and my mind exploded with sensation...
griever15Animal Anthro Body Swap Inanimate Myth Part Swap Super TF
Adjusting to Womanhood
Taking Stock...
griever14Anthro Body Swap FTM FTP Herm Magic NBM Omni Super Unaware
The Dancing Pony
Into the Target Zone
RJH14Animal Body Swap MTF Musc Unaware
"..I'm sorry. I can't do this..."griever10Animal FTM Inanimate MC Magic Myth NBM Omni Super TF
The Perfect Woman: Face, Breast and the Rest
...the climax...
griever13Anthro Body Swap Magic Musc Size TF Unaware
The Perfect Woman: Arms, Hips and Waist
...the changes surge upward...
griever12Age Anthro Body Swap Inanimate MC MTF Magic Musc Part Theft
The Perfect Woman: Legs
From Heels to Head...
griever11Animal Aware Magic Part Theft SciFi Size Super
I'm your Man - er, Woman.
"Alright. I'll Do It."
griever10Age FTM Inanimate Part Swap TF Unaware
Leave Your gender at the Door
...this manhood will self-destruct in five seconds...
griever9Age Anthro Aware Herm Inanimate Myth Omni Part Theft SciFi TF
Your Mission, if you Choose to Accept It
Cutting to the Chase
griever8MTF Magic Myth Omni
The Man... The Legend
.. I was Standing Before my Hero
griever7Age Animal FTP Herm Inanimate Musc Myth Size TF
Gathering the evidence.
How did this happen?
a8Anthro MTF Musc Myth Part Swap
Why Not?
Adventure is my middle name
griever6Age Herm Inanimate MC MTF Part Theft Super
The Recruit
A Back Alley Meeting
griever5Animal Aware FTM Herm MC Magic Part Swap TF Unaware
No Experience Neccessary
The Order Wants You
griever4FTM Myth Size Super
Epic is the word
And away we go...
griever3Age Musc Myth NBM Size
A Hero's Herogriever2Aware Body Swap FTM FTP Inanimate MC Magic Part Swap Super
Mind Swap?
Finding out what happened
Telscreph8Inanimate MTF Omni Part Theft
A Disguise
A Way Out
alan_burke10Body Swap Inanimate Musc Myth NBM Omni Part Theft Super
The bad day, that will not end.
We have a few questions for you.
Sara9Body Swap Inanimate MC Magic NBM Part Theft Unaware
Who could that be?
Sara8Body Swap Inanimate MTF Myth Omni SciFi Unaware
The bad day, that will not end.
We have a few questions for you.
Sara9Animal Anthro Aware Herm MC Omni Part Theft SciFi Size
Who could that be?
Sara8Anthro Aware Body Swap Musc NBM Part Swap SciFi
More exploring to do
alan_burke7Age FTM MC MTF Unaware
Barbarian Wooing
Suzie's house
N8Age Anthro Body Swap FTM Inanimate Magic Omni Part Theft Size Super TF Unaware
Equipping time
Suzie remembers?
N7Animal Body Swap MC Myth NBM SciFi Super TF Unaware
Further exploration
The other door
alan_burke6Age Aware FTM Herm Inanimate Part Swap Size TF
Still a girl
Real World
alan_burke5Age Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC SciFi Unaware
A Waitress
Sara7MC Omni Part Swap SciFi Unaware
I hate it when things go from worse to even worse
The Hard Way
Sara6Anthro Body Swap Herm Inanimate Magic Musc NBM Omni Super TF Unaware
Hey, you took my body
Sara5Age Herm MC MTF Omni Part Theft Size TF
Lifetime Sentence
Sara5Animal Anthro Inanimate MC Musc Myth NBM SciFi
I did what?
Sara4Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTP Herm Musc Part Swap Size
Logged Off
Sara4Aware FTM Inanimate SciFi Size
Man, I feel like a woman.
This cannot be
Sara3Anthro FTM FTP Herm Inanimate MTF TF
Memory Card
Now Loading
Sara2Aware Magic Myth NBM Size
Love Slave
Rex's Place
alan_burke15Age Animal FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft Size
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Aware Herm MC NBM Part Theft SciFi
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Age Aware Herm Inanimate Omni Super Unaware
The new Misty
Loss of control
alan_burke14Age FTM Herm MC Musc Myth Omni Super
Really in the game
Did I forget to mention...
me13Age Herm MC Omni SciFi
Mel's Toys
Playing with toys
me7MTF Musc Omni Part Theft Super
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Here you go Mel.
Ardvark2320006Animal Anthro Herm MTF Musc Part Swap Unaware
Our first mistake.
What the heck, lead on Mel!
Ardvark5Animal Body Swap Musc Part Swap SciFi Size Super Unaware
Off I go.
Directions please?
Ardvark4Age FTM Inanimate Magic Musc Myth SciFi Super TF
brave new world?
first steps.
Ardvark3Age Animal Aware FTM MTF Part Swap Super Unaware
I gotta be me.
On second thought...
Ardvark2FTM MTF NBM Part Swap Size TF
Honey, I’m Home!
Home again, home again.
Sara23FTP Inanimate Magic NBM Unaware
No, they don’t you need to earn them.
Cards grow on trees?
Sara22Age Body Swap Herm Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size
Let’s think this all through first
Just think, work = money = being David here
Sara21Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC MTF Part Theft Size Super
Enter Suzie
Sara38Age FTP Myth
Here’s DAVID
Sara37Age FTM Herm MC Magic Musc Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft Size TF Unaware
Now to see who I can really be.
Let’s try this out.
Sara36Age Body Swap Herm Magic Musc Myth SciFi Size TF Unaware
Now who could that be?
Who is it?
Sara35Age Anthro FTP MTF Magic Part Swap Super TF Unaware
Let’s see what I have here.
Explore the Room.
Sara34Anthro Body Swap FTP MC Magic Myth Part Swap SciFi Size
I am a Professional Dancer now
As she mentioned me to Undress
Sara20Age Animal Inanimate Musc TF
A Run In With A SageGhost_Hand12Herm Inanimate MC Musc Super
The BarroomGhost_Hand11Age Anthro FTM Herm Myth NBM Part Swap
Looking AroundGhost_Hand10MC Size Unaware
Dressing room funSprintz19Age Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MTF Musc NBM Omni SciFi
Clothes ShoppingSprintz18Anthro Aware MC MTF Magic Musc Super
Misty Decides!Sprintz17Herm MTF Part Swap Part Theft SciFi TF
Regaining My SensesSprintz16FTM FTP MC MTF NBM Size Super
Make a new avatar?Sprintz15Body Swap FTP Herm MC MTF Magic
Meeting SuzieSprintz14Anthro Herm Inanimate NBM Unaware
Fast TripSprintz13Animal Aware Inanimate MTF NBM Omni Size Super
Hitchin a RideSprintz12Anthro FTM FTP Inanimate MC MTF Part Swap Super TF
Leaving the Dance HallSprintz11Age Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MC Myth Unaware
How do I reach Suzie?Sprintz10Body Swap Herm MC MTF Magic Myth
Second Touch
Resistance is Futile
cvn8819Age Inanimate Unaware
Life as LeslieMr_X26Age Animal FTM MTF Omni Part Theft
First Touchgriever18Age Anthro Herm MC Magic TF
odd choice
if you belive in faires clap your hands!
rock4Body Swap Herm MC Unaware
asdfjkl;3FTP Herm Inanimate Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Size TF
Disney Babes
A boy who loves Disney cartoons is given the chance to become any character he wants
Ian_Salter2Age FTP Herm MC MTF Magic Myth Unaware
“We’re finally alone... my dear Misty..."
griever17Age Aware Body Swap FTP Herm Magic Part Swap Part Theft Size
Rylen Returns
"Don't enjoy yourself too much Aerilyn, lest you forget who is the master and who is the slave..."
griever16Aware FTP MTF Part Swap SciFi Size Unaware
sudden swelling
red14Age Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM TF Unaware
happiness in slaveryKevin_McConnell15Herm Magic Musc NBM Super Unaware
Strength of Mind
Strength of Mind
Wearwolf14Animal MC Myth Omni
Wade into the pool
(losing all power)
Auran13Age Animal Anthro FTM FTP MTF Magic Size Super Unaware
The Wink and the Kiss
Deciding to follow them
nniuqs7Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP Magic Myth Part Swap SciFi Size Super TF
The heart of the jungle.
Where is this?
Ambi12Animal Anthro FTM Super
a sudden kicking
pregnancy? now theres an idea
red13Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap FTP Herm Omni Part Theft Size TF Unaware
What have I gotten myself into?
A devil in disguise
tohosmi11Body Swap Magic Omni SciFi Size TF
...but not this time!
Well, sometimes its GOOD to trust people.
Ambi10Inanimate MTF Part Theft Super
Big mistake
Mig mistake
none10Aware FTM FTP Magic NBM SciFi Size Super TF
A helping handAmbi9Aware Inanimate MTF Musc Omni Part Theft Super
Heading for Home
Going "home"
Rob13FTP Herm Magic Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Super
Who Am I? Where Am I?
French Maid
Holly_Dunn17Age Body Swap FTM FTP MC MTF Omni Part Theft SciFi TF
Please stand up and exit to your right...
Please stand up and exit to your right....
x3Body Swap FTM Inanimate Magic Musc SciFi Size Super
to marketKevin_McConnell5Anthro Aware Body Swap Myth Omni Part Swap
an Epic City indeed
yet more exposition in the city
Kevin_McConnell4Animal MTF Musc Omni SciFi Super
tattooist expositionKevin_McConnell3Anthro FTP MTF Magic Myth SciFi
Further adventures in Misty-Dom
Further exploration
guy33Age Aware Body Swap MTF Myth NBM Omni Part Swap Size
Misty, Warrior/Dancer
guy32Age Anthro Herm Magic Part Swap Part Theft

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