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Oldest episodes

Sidekick Class
They Accept
1Ryguy115Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM Inanimate NBM Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
Blink and Whistle
Choose Kyle
1Ryguy114Animal Anthro Herm Inanimate MC Magic Musc Part Theft SciFi TF
So Far, So Good
1Ryguy113Animal Aware Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC Magic Super Unaware
Playing With Fire
He Persists
1Ryguy112Animal Anthro FTM Inanimate Part Swap Part Theft Size Super
Forming a Plan
The Plan
1Ryguy18Age Animal Body Swap MC Musc Part Swap Unaware
Our Results
The Exam
1Ryguy17Animal FTM Herm MTF Musc Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft Super TF
A New Clique
1Ryguy15Animal FTP Inanimate MTF Musc SciFi Size Unaware
Super Hero World
Damascus Boy's Academy
1Ryguy14Age Animal Aware Inanimate MC Magic Musc NBM Size Super
Power Draining
Face Off
1Ryguy165Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MC MTF Myth
More Challengers
Next Rounds
1Ryguy155Age Animal Body Swap FTP Herm MC Myth Part Swap SciFi
The Periwinkle Emperor
1Ryguy131Animal Body Swap FTP Herm Myth Part Swap Size
Living as a Guardian
1Ryguy130Animal Anthro Aware FTP Herm Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft TF
Rite of Passage
Drow Settlement
1Ryguy123Animal FTM MTF Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft Unaware
Full Acquittal
1Ryguy119Age Animal Body Swap FTM FTP Magic Musc Omni Part Swap Size Unaware
Principality Duties
New Rank
1Ryguy116Animal Anthro FTM FTP MC Musc Myth Omni Part Swap SciFi Size TF Unaware
... But Who You Know
Principality Exam
1Ryguy115Age Animal FTM MC Part Theft Size
Returning to the Mortal Plane
Karlel's Quest
1Ryguy113Animal Aware FTP Inanimate MC NBM Omni Part Theft SciFi Unaware
My Professions
Profession Points
1Ryguy16Animal Herm MC Musc SciFi Size Super TF
Rin and Henry Wilder Vs. Spade and Clover1Ryguy120Animal Aware Inanimate MTF Magic NBM Omni Super TF
Rin Vs. Oscar Ramon1Ryguy118Age Animal Aware Inanimate MTF Part Theft SciFi
Title Defense Announcement
The Next Boom
1Ryguy117Animal Magic NBM Unaware
Boom Television Championship Battle Royale
The Battle Royale
1Ryguy116Animal Musc NBM Part Theft TF
The Hall of Fame Criteria
Hall of Fame Checklist
1Ryguy115Animal Aware FTM Inanimate MC Magic Part Theft SciFi Unaware
Ozmaro and Rin Vs. El Pollo and Oscar Ramon1Ryguy19Animal FTP Herm Musc Part Swap Size
Liam Vs. El Pollo1Ryguy18Age Animal Inanimate MC MTF Magic Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Welcome to OPW
Allocate Points
1Ryguy15Age Animal Anthro Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC Myth Super
Green Paladins
Church of the Seven Roses
1Ryguy149Age Animal Anthro FTM NBM Part Theft
Returning to the Facility
The Next Mission
1Ryguy1103Animal Aware Musc NBM Omni Part Swap TF Unaware
Lifeform Assimilation
Give Birth
1Ryguy199Age Animal Aware Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC MTF Magic Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Morning Romp
They Comply
1Ryguy195Animal Aware Body Swap Herm MC Myth NBM Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
Ian Makes His Move
Night Antics
1Ryguy193Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM FTP Inanimate MC MTF TF
Orange Centaur
Cross Mountains
1Ryguy191Animal FTP Inanimate Magic Size Super TF
1Ryguy188Animal Anthro FTP MC Myth Part Swap Part Theft TF
Human Experimentation (Different Sex)
Experiment 2
1Ryguy186Animal Body Swap FTM FTP Herm Magic Musc Super Unaware
Human Experimentation (Same Sex)
Experiment 1
1Ryguy185Animal Anthro Aware Herm MTF Musc TF
Diplomacy at Gunpoint
Kenneth Gets It
1Ryguy197Animal Aware FTM Magic Musc Part Theft Size Super
Losing Virginity
Sam and Theo
1Ryguy194Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM MC NBM Size
Major Pull
1Ryguy193Animal FTM Herm MC Omni SciFi
Heart to Heart
1Ryguy190Animal FTM Herm Inanimate MC Musc Size Super
Release Party
Album Release
1Ryguy189Animal Body Swap MC Myth SciFi Size
Opposition Journalist
1Ryguy188Age Animal Anthro Aware FTM MTF Magic Musc NBM Part Swap SciFi
Making Arrangements
Prepare for Future
1Ryguy183Animal Anthro Aware Myth Part Swap Size TF
Rolling the Dice
Travis's Quarters
1Ryguy184Age Animal Aware Myth Part Swap Unaware
Getting Ready
1Ryguy183Animal NBM Omni Part Swap Super TF Unaware
New Demigods
1Ryguy135Animal Part Swap Part Theft SciFi Size
Preparing for a War
Mercenary Contract
1Ryguy130Animal FTM FTP Herm Inanimate NBM Part Swap Part Theft SciFi
Bandit Assault
Siege Defense
1Ryguy128Age Animal Myth Omni Part Theft Size Unaware
A Forest Blessing
1Ryguy126Animal FTM Musc Myth Part Swap SciFi Size Super
Insult on Injury
Lancelot Continues
1Ryguy123Animal Anthro Aware MC Part Theft Unaware
Confusion and Panic
Log Off
1Ryguy121Animal Myth Part Swap Super Unaware
Hard Discipline
Spank Him
1Ryguy175Age Animal Aware Size Super TF
Kopoi Island
1Ryguy170Age Animal MTF Myth NBM Super Unaware
Colonial Competition
1Ryguy168Age Animal Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth Part Swap TF
1Ryguy165Animal MC Omni Part Theft
The Destruction of Tugum
1Ryguy158Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap Musc NBM Size Unaware
People of Defoon
1Ryguy157Animal Herm MTF Musc NBM TF
Display of Force
Mobilize Mechas
1Ryguy153Age Animal Anthro Aware Magic Myth Size Super
The Embassy
Olipo Airport
1Ryguy148Animal Aware Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC NBM Size Super
After Mission
1Ryguy146Animal Body Swap FTP Inanimate Musc Omni Part Swap Super
Bailing Out
End of Mission
1Ryguy145Age Animal Anthro Myth NBM Part Swap Size TF
The Response
Continue Mission
1Ryguy144Animal Aware Body Swap FTP MC Musc NBM Omni Part Swap Part Theft TF Unaware
Secret Mission
Hero's Hall
1Ryguy142Age Animal FTM FTP NBM Omni Part Theft SciFi
Split at Birth
1Ryguy141Age Animal Inanimate Magic Musc Myth Part Theft SciFi Size Super TF
Child Inspection
Name Children
1Ryguy140Animal FTM SciFi Super
Looking Forward
Moving On
1Ryguy136Animal Herm Inanimate MTF Magic Musc Myth Part Swap Part Theft Super Unaware
Moving On1Ryguy137Animal Body Swap Inanimate MTF Musc Myth
Fucking Karl
Try Harder
1Ryguy136Animal Aware Inanimate MC Magic NBM Omni Part Theft SciFi Unaware
Mountain Fever
1Ryguy135Animal Body Swap MTF Musc Omni Part Swap
Not an Option
1Ryguy135Age Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM FTP Omni Part Theft Size
Alpha Female
1Ryguy126Animal Aware Body Swap FTM FTP MC Myth Size
Lion Hunting
1Ryguy124Animal Anthro Body Swap FTM Inanimate Magic Musc Part Swap Part Theft Size
New Day, New Challenges
1Ryguy122Animal Aware Body Swap FTM FTP Inanimate MC Magic Musc NBM Omni SciFi
Mutation and Change
Skill Allocation
1Ryguy121Age Animal Aware FTM MTF NBM Part Theft SciFi
Super Skill Tree
Super Feats
1Ryguy120Animal Anthro Body Swap Inanimate MTF Myth NBM Omni Unaware
Failing Upward
Lose Challenge
1Ryguy119Animal Anthro FTM Herm Inanimate MC MTF NBM Omni Size Super TF
Level 10
Win Challenge
1Ryguy119Age Animal Anthro Aware FTP Inanimate MC MTF Magic Myth Size Super Unaware
Claude gets Frisky
1Ryguy118Animal MC Magic Myth Part Swap Part Theft Size TF Unaware
Where to Go
More Challenges.
1Ryguy117Animal Herm Omni Part Theft SciFi Size TF
Bragging Rights
1Ryguy114Animal Aware FTM Herm Inanimate MTF Magic Unaware
An Alliance
Omega Focus
1Ryguy19Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap Inanimate Omni Part Swap Part Theft
Alpha Skill Tree
Skill Tree(Alpha)
1Ryguy17Animal Anthro Herm Magic Musc Omni Part Theft Super
Omega Skill Tree
Skill Tree(Omega)
1Ryguy16Animal Body Swap FTP Inanimate MC MTF Magic Size TF Unaware
Null Skill Tree
Skill Tree(Null)
1Ryguy15Age Animal Aware MTF Musc Omni Part Swap SciFi Unaware
Character Generation
Random Options
1Ryguy13Animal Body Swap FTM MC MTF Part Theft Size TF
Ascendant Chimera
He Keeps Them
1Ryguy120Animal Body Swap FTP MTF Part Theft SciFi Size
The Dead Walk
1Ryguy115Animal Aware Body Swap FTP MC Magic Musc Myth NBM Omni Super Unaware
Don't Push Your Luck
Back Down
1Ryguy114Age Animal FTP Herm MC Musc Myth NBM Unaware
Dick Dilemma
Exploring Options
1Ryguy113Age Animal Inanimate MC Magic NBM Omni Part Swap
Growing Manly
Endurance Training
1Ryguy112Age Animal Aware FTM FTP Magic Musc Myth Part Swap SciFi Size Super
Too Quick Lance
The Third Case
1Ryguy111Animal FTM Inanimate Magic Myth
A Real Issue
The Second Case
1Ryguy19Age Animal FTM Herm Magic Myth NBM Part Swap SciFi Size Super
Hands Stained in Blood
Attack Despereaux
1Ryguy141Animal Aware MC NBM SciFi Size Super
Broken Enemy
Souris Breaks
1Ryguy138Age Animal Anthro Aware Body Swap FTM FTP MC MTF NBM Unaware
Pressing the Advantage
1Ryguy137Age Animal Body Swap FTM FTP Musc Super Unaware
Turning the Tables
1Ryguy136Animal Aware Myth SciFi TF
Honey Pot
1Ryguy135Animal Aware Inanimate Musc NBM Part Theft Super
Rescue Party
Chien Couldn't
1Ryguy131Animal Herm Magic Musc NBM Omni Part Swap SciFi Super TF
Agent XVI
Kill Assassin
1Ryguy127Animal Anthro Aware FTP MC Magic Musc Omni SciFi
Corpse Disposal
Cover Up
1Ryguy121Animal Body Swap FTM Inanimate MC MTF Myth Omni Part Swap Part Theft
The Thieves' Guild
Join the Guild
1Ryguy120Animal Anthro Aware FTM Musc Part Swap

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Oldest episodes

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